
A Metadata object looks like this:

Metadata [key=Namespace_Name:Item_Name, value=namespace value, configuration=[Key_1="key 1 value", Key_2=5.5, Key_3=false, Key_4={Subkey={Subsubkey="nested value"}}]]

Metadata objects are uniquely defined by an Item name and a namespace name, and contain a “value” and the “configuration”. The “value” is not very useful, as it only holds a single value. The “configuration” provides the actual metadata as a dictionary.

└── Item
    ├── Namespace 1
    │   ├── Value
    │   └── Configuration
    │       ├── Key 1
    │       │   └── Value
    │       └── Key 2
    │           └── Value
    └── Namespace 2
        ├── Value
        └── Configuration
            ├── Key 1
            │   ├── Subkey 1
            │   │   └── Subsubkey
            │   │       └── Value
            │   └── Subkey 2
            │       └── Value
            └── Key 2
                └── Value

Refer to the language-specific documentation for details on use of this library.